Homemade Cake Enquiry Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Your Phonenumber (required) When do you need it When will you collect it in Heriot Row 17 How many cakes do you need? (required) Choose a fruit AppleCherryPearPlumCherryRhubarbePeach Which cake would you like? ObstkuchenMarmorkuchenObst StreuselkuchenNusszopfFruit Baiser TarteChocolate CakeButterkuchenTarte au Citron Do you have any allergies and/or further wishes/ questions? Please let us know that you're a human being by answering the question 2+2=? I have read the privacy policy. I agree that my details and data will be collected and stored electronically to answer my request.*. * You can revoke your consent at any time by mail 2017-04-09
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