Every man has a sane spot
… somewhere.

Robert Louis Stevenson

There is only one difference
between a long life
and a good dinner:
that, in the dinner, the sweets come last.

Robert Louis Stevenson

A friend
is a gift
you give yourself.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Don’t judge each day
by the harvest you reap
but by the seeds
that you plant.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Keep your eyes open to your mercies.
The man who forgets to be thankful
has fallen asleep in life.

Robert Louis Stevenson

I never weary of great churches.
It is my favorite kind
of mountain scenery.
Mankind was never so happily inspired
as when it made a cathedral.

Robert Louis Stevenson

It is a golden maxim to cultivate
the garden for the nose,
and the eyes
will take care of themselves.

Robert Louis Stevenson

All human beings
are commingled
out of good and evil.

Robert Louis Stevenson